When you want to start a conversation about sex…
When you want to do it with your lover, your best friend, your almost-of-age kid, your younger sibling who doesn’t have a clue….
when you want it to feel engaging and interesting
when you’re a little to shy to say it
when they’re a little too shy to say it
use the Pleasure Map to help you get started.
The Pleasure Map is a drawing of a beautifully naked body with everything visible, all the important sexy body parts. She’s relaxed. She’s happy. She’s seated. This isn’t your doctor’s medical textbook.
And it’s full of…suggestions. Possibilities. Ideas.
There’s text twined across and over and around, all of which makes some lovely poetic and explicit suggestions. She likes it when you…do this…or that…or the other thing.
None of the suggestions are particularly edgy. But some of them are maybe more than you’ve already done, or more than you do regularly, or more than you’ve done with this person, or more than you’ve done lately.
The instructions are printed right on there: grab two colors of pen and a highlighter. Highlight what looks yummy right now. Circle what might be okay to try. Cross out the definite no’s.
Then talk about it.
This is a conversation starter: for you and your sweetie, for you and your girlfriends, for you and your buddies…it’s meant to give you ideas and a place to start talking.
Because talking is sexy. Talking leads to doing, in the best possible way. Talking leads to consent. Consent leads to YES! And YES! is one of the hottest things I’ve ever heard from a lover.
Illustrations by the talented and fantastic Katie/KD Diamond, words, text, and concept by me (Leela Sinha)
24×18″, on matte, white, 32lb paper. Comes rolled in a poster tube with nothing suggestive on the outside. $35 (Up from $25. After five years, I’ve had to raise the price to cover increased costs on my end.) Includes domestic postage. Additional fees for shipping outside the US.
Here’s a close-up:
and here’s an overview (the one you’ll get doesn’t have the copyright notice across the middle):
Ready? $35 Includes domestic postage. Additional fees for shipping outside the US.
How can you use this?
- You can add it to your check-in with a lover
- you can make it part of the beginning of a relationship
- You can have a sexy wine and cheese party and give everyone their own poster and watercolors and see what kind of art you end up with.
- Educators, you can use this as a way to ease-gently-into the realm of possibilities
- Therapists, this can be a jumping-off point for guided conversations.
Use it beautifully. Use it lovingly. Get people involved. Start talking about sex, and desire, and possibility. And tell me how you’re doing it! I’d love to hear what is happening with this out in the world.
Ready to start?