reclaiming pleasure

This is my word. It is your word, too. This is the word that means yes that means joy that means ahhhh
This is the word that means right
This is the word that means the place inside
Where you go to figure out what is being left behind
And whether that is actually a problem
This is the word that means grass underfoot
Trees in the forest
Laughter with your lover
Laughter with a baby
Deep sleep after a long day.
This is the word
That means knowing your work
Is a job well done.
This is the word that means arms thrown wide
Sprinting heedlessly toward the cool surf
And this is the word
That means fire and kitten and book
While the storm rages
Somewhere else
This is the word that holds making love and making cookies in the same breath
This is the word that means knowing you are safe, you are right with the world, you belong
This is the word that means home
This is the word that means god.
Do not let the people say in your ear
That pleasure is only for the weak
The corrupt
The indiscriminate
Or the horny.
They do not know
They have forgotten.
This is the word that speaks from the core of your heart
To answer the longing of the world
With your voice.
And you know.
And you will not forget.
This is the beginning.
And this is the word
This is the word
this is the word.